Exceptional Experience With Child Support Cases

Following a divorce, paternity action, Oklahoma Child Support Services action or another legal matter regarding children, it is of the utmost importance that children are provided support in their households. To those ends, payments will be ordered by the Oklahoma Courts unless good cause is provided to the court that child support should not be entered.

Having worked on these and other related issues for many years, we at the Gower Law Offices are ready to help you and your loved ones transition in the best possible way. We will work directly with you to understand your unique situation and goals and move to help you resolve all issues as efficiently and effectively as possible. Our office will also work concurrently with the state to optimize your ability to enforce your order.

Our attorney spent the first five years of his career with the Department of Human Services (DHS), reviewing thousands of child support cases and appearing in court many times.

How It's Calculated

Calculations, unlike alimony, are fairly rigid and based upon the Oklahoma Child Support Guidelines. These guidelines consider the incomes and earning abilities of the custodial and noncustodial parents, as applicable, as well as health care needs, day care costs and other potential expenses of the child or children. Other factors, including time with the parent are also considered when determining an amount. The amount in the guidelines are presumed to be correct; however, circumstances may be raised by your attorney regarding a higher or lower amount.

How Long It Lasts

Once child support is ordered, it continues until the last child reaches the age of 18, or the age of 20 if the youngest child is still enrolled in high school. The amount can be changed in the future upon a finding that there has been a change in the circumstances. In the event that circumstances significantly change, payments can often be modified. An acceptable change of circumstances includes, but is not limited to, an increase or decrease in the incomes of the parties, a change in the day care costs or change in the medical costs of the child or children.

How It's Enforced

After an order has been approved and entered by the Oklahoma courts, usually an income assignment will be sent to the employer of the individual paying child support. Parties can agree not to apply an income assignment in some circumstance.

If an individual fails to pay, enforcement remedies such as a contempt or a motion to enforce the order are available remedies. An individual found guilty of contempt can face up to six months in jail, fined and ordered to pay attorney fees. If you have an open case with Child Support Services, they can enforce an order by intercepting tax returns, levying bank accounts and revoking drivers' licenses.

Talk With Us For Free

We encourage you to get in touch and set up a consultation as soon as possible. To reach out and schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your legal issues with Oklahoma City lawyer Dustin Gower, call 405-562-5652.