Few transitions in life are more challenging than divorce, particularly when children are involved. If you are working through divorce issues, experienced counsel guiding you through the process cannot be overrated.
With more than a decade of experience, we at the Oklahoma City-based Gower Law Offices are prepared to help you address the complex aspects of the divorce process. From the moment you reach out, we will take the time to understand your goals and your unique circumstances. From there, we will structure an approach to help you reach an ideal outcome tailored to your needs.
Fairly Dividing Marital Property And Debts
In addition to addressing the complex nuances of property division, our lawyers and legal staff will work directly with you to address all aspects of debt division by considering a number of factors to make a final equitable determination. In Oklahoma, the courts refer to property distribution as "equitable." Equitable does not mean equal, or even half, but rather what is deemed by the district court to be fair.
Protecting Your Parental Rights
Equally as important to your divorce case are issues involving child custody and visitation. The most heart-wrenching issue in a divorce case involves your ability to remain in your children's lives and to continue to provide for them financially.
Our office will protect your rights to visitation and custody of your child as well as seek a sufficient child support award and/or spousal support award that is proper to your legal and financial situation.
Let Us Help You Transition To A Better Future
Our foremost goal is to help you transition in a way that is most effective for you and your loved ones. Having an experienced attorney is vital to assuring you are protected. We encourage you to get in touch as soon as possible.
To reach out and schedule a free initial consultation with divorce attorney Dustin Gower, call 405-562-5652or email the firm.